The Impossible Quiz


Are you a puzzle lover and a fan of quizzes in general? Then you should try our tremendous quiz. We have called it impossible for a good reason, in fact it seems that only one person in a hundred is able to solve it. Yet, why make it so complicated, you may be wondering. The answer is simple: if you manage to complete it you will get a prize: one of our semi-professional tests for free. You will be the one to choose which test to receive as a prize. However, before you get there you have to prove that you deserve it! What, then, does this so-called impossible quiz consist of? Unfortunately, we cannot reveal much more than that. We advise you to start the quiz right away and proceed by trial and error, trying to unearth the underlying logic, since this is the only way to solve the 8 levels present. Once you understand the common thread that connects the levels it will be much easier.
Good luck and happy headache!

8 levels in total to solve.
Levels are interconnected: find out the connection between them.
No mistakes are allowed: each level must be completed correctly.
The result, positive or negative, will be shown at the end of the quiz.
No help while taking the test.
Maximum allowed time: 3 minutes.
Maximum number of attempts: 10.
As a prize: a TEST for free, or a 25% discount.
No registration required.
Suitable for audiences of all ages.

4 votes, 4.5 avg
very hard puzzle

The Impossible Quiz

Number of attempts remaining: 10

1 / 8

Level 1
This quiz has no questions. You must discover the underlying logic yourself.

The eight levels are united by a common thread: to pass the quiz you must solve each level correctly.

2 / 8

Level 2
This quiz has no questions. You must discover the underlying logic yourself.

The eight levels are united by a common thread: to pass the quiz you must solve each level correctly.

3 / 8

Level 3
This quiz has no questions. You must discover the underlying logic yourself.

The eight levels are united by a common thread: to pass the quiz you must solve each level correctly.

4 / 8

Level 4
This quiz has no questions. You must discover the underlying logic yourself.

The eight levels are united by a common thread: to pass the quiz you must solve each level correctly.

5 / 8

Level 5
This quiz has no questions. You must discover the underlying logic yourself.

The eight levels are united by a common thread: to pass the quiz you must solve each level correctly.

6 / 8

Level 6
This quiz has no questions. You must discover the underlying logic yourself.

The eight levels are united by a common thread: to pass the quiz you must solve each level correctly.

7 / 8

Level 7
This quiz has no questions. You must discover the underlying logic yourself.

The eight levels are united by a common thread: to pass the quiz you must solve each level correctly.

8 / 8

Level 8
This quiz has no questions. You must discover the underlying logic yourself.

The eight levels are united by a common thread: to pass the quiz you must solve each level correctly.

Email address is essential in order to get the free test if you pass this quiz.



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