Average biological age of users: 23
Average mental age of users: 38
Highest mental age ever: 119 (Tyler Jackson)
Lowest mental age ever: -28 (CrazyMorris)
Most common resulting profile: Proud Emancipated
Less common resulting profile: Mind not Provided
Age of youngest user taking the test: 10
Age of oldest user taking the test: 75
Average execution time: 00:07:12
Average number of executions per user: 1.8
Average age of users: 29
Average awareness score of users: 122/200
Highest awareness score ever: 174 (Allison)
Lowest awareness score ever: 53 (HayDeen)
Most common resulting profile: Rational
Less common resulting profile: Spiritual
Age of youngest user taking the test: 12
Age of oldest user taking the test: 69
Average execution time: 00:21:49
Average number of executions per user: 1.2
Average age of users: 27
Average awakening score of users: 71/110
Highest awakening score ever: 102 (Corbin Bloom)
Lowest awakening score ever: 39 (Myla)
Most common resulting profile: Light Sleep
Less common resulting profile: Advanced Awakening
Age of youngest user taking the test: 13
Age of oldest user taking the test: 70
Average execution time: 00:12:02
Average number of executions per user: 1.3
Average age of users: 25
Average psychic energy level of users: 68/100 (Remarkable)
Strongest traits across ages:
1. Sagacity
2. Sociability
3. Tolerance
Weakest traits across ages:
1. Spirituality
2. Conscientiousness
3. Sensitivity
Age of youngest user taking the test: 12
Age of oldest user taking the test: 69
Average execution time: 00:08:04
Average number of executions per user: 2.5
Average age of users: 29
Average EQ score of users: 52
Highest EQ score ever: 90 (Sandra)
Lowest EQ score ever: 12 (Oliver W.)
EI component with highest % (average): Self-Awareness (59%)
EI component with lowest % (average): Self-Regulation (33%)
Age of youngest user taking the test: 13
Age of oldest user taking the test: 66
Average execution time: 00:18:51
Average number of executions per user: 1.4
Average age of users: 26
Average IQ score of users: 106
Highest IQ score ever: 169 (Sammy)
Lowest IQ score ever: 38 (Fatima Noor)
Age of youngest user taking the test: 12
Age of oldest user taking the test: 58
Average execution time: 00:20:36
Average number of executions per user: 1.2
Average age of users: 13
Age of youngest user taking the test: 7 (sybyraa)
Age of oldest user taking the test: 51 (Timmy J)
Most common resulting profile: Level 5/7 – Metis
Less common resulting profile: Level 1/7 – Polyphemus
Average execution time: 00:13:24
Average number of executions per user: 1.9
Most common resulting profile: ISFJ – Defender
Less common resulting profile: INFJ – Advocate
Fastest execution: 00:00:16
Slowest execution: 00:06:08
Average execution time: 00:02:30
Average number of executions per user: 1.8
Average user score: 2.5/8
Total number of users: 306
Total number of winners: 3
Fastest successful execution: 00:00:22 (enigmasolver)
Lowest attempts No. to success: 2/10 (JimmyX)
Average execution time: 00:01:56
Most popular prize test: Mental Age (2/3)
Most clicked mini-test: Are You a Narcissist?
Less clicked mini-test: Are You a Tech Addict?
Average number of tests per user: 2.7
Average time spent on page: 00:05:49
Most performed test: Mental Age Test
Less performed test: Awakening Test
Average number of tests taken by single user: 2.1/5
Test taken most times by single user: Great Personality Test (2.5)
Most appreciated test (rating): Great Personality Test
Less appreciated test (rating): Logical Intelligence Test
Test requiring more time: Awareness Test (00:21:49 avg)
Test requiring less time: Great Personality Test (00:08:04 avg)
Average time spent reading test results: 00:06:15
Main locations of users:
1. U.S.A. – 2. India – 3. United Kingdom
The statistics shown on this page were generated independently by PersonalityHPT based on the data provided by users (age, name) and those collected during the execution of tests by users (duration, scores, etc.).
Statistics are updated occasionally and no more than once a month. To date (10/01/2024) they are based on information obtained from 8421 users and 17604 tests taken. The Spiritual Seek takes no responsibility for the truthfulness and accuracy of the information presented on this page.