Wisdom Test Questions

Here is a list of all the questions presented in the test, but without their respective answers. Purchase the questionnaire in full version to take it without limitations. We have a very special offer for you, take advantage of it!

Please note: Do not read the following questions if you are planning to take the quiz and obtain an official score.

Three categories of questions:
– Individual Maturity
– Social Maturity
– General Knowledge and History
+ Age Bonus

1. I know that I know nothing: Who said this sentence first?
2. Do you remember the phone numbers of your family members (parents, brothers and sisters) ?
3. Do your family members ever find themselves having to fix your misdeeds?
4. If you had to walk home from school alone, would you be able to do it without the help of your smartphone?
5. Which of the following phrases is attributed to Archimedes?
6. If you want a thing done well, do it yourself. Do you agree with this saying?
7. How do you feel about becoming an adult and having to make do?
8. What matters the most in life, sincerity or appearances?
9. Imagine you are a political figure: would you be willing to give up certain privileges and powers if the people asked you to?
10. Look at the following pictures, then scroll down and choose the one that inspires you the most
11. Have you ever made excuses or pretended to be sick to avoid commitments?
12. Observe this image: what feeling does it arouse in you?
13. As you sow, so ….. complete the sentence:
14. What is happiness for you?
15. Becoming an adult means:
16. Which job would you like to do when you grow up, among those listed below?
17. Do you like to read books?
18. Do you ever feel the need to turn off your smartphone or at least moderate its use?
19. In your group of friends, do you prefer talking or listening?
20. Last question before discovering the result! How old are you?

The Youth Wisdom Test consists of two types of questions:
1) those with only one correct answer;
2) those that offer a range of possibilities.
In both cases, a specific score is assigned depending on the answer given; if it is correct, the highest score is given, while if it is incorrect but close to being correct, a lower score is given. On the other hand, if the answer is completely incorrect, the score will be zero.
In those questions that require a subjective answer and therefore are neither right nor wrong, the score will vary according to the level of maturity and awareness shown by the user. A frivolous answer will be worth zero points, while one that is not fully mature but neither is silly will have an intermediate value. The wisest answer will bring the maximum score.
Finally, there is a small bonus related to the age of the user, which is awarded only to the younger ones with the purpose of balancing their final score with respect to the obvious advantage of the older ones.