The Jungian Archetype Mini Test

12 jungian archetypes test


The 12 Archetypes of Carl Gustav Jung

The fascinating theory of archetypes by Carl Gustav Jung translated into a personality test that is both entertaining and instructive. The archetypes identified by the Swiss psychologist are 12 in total, but each of them possesses distinctive traits and characteristics. They can be grouped within 4 categories called Cardinal Orientations, which represent all the possible motivations for human action.

The 4 Cardinal Orientations

1. Ego Orientation: The Ego orientation is characterized by a focus on self-promotion and the desire to be admired. The following archetypes are associated with this orientation:
Hero, Magician, Rebel (or Outlaw).

2. Order Orientation: The Order orientation places significant emphasis on the maintenance of structure within societal settings. The archetypes associated with this orientation include:
Caregiver, Ruler, Creator (or Artist).

3. Social Orientation: The social orientation is concerned with the establishment of authentic interpersonal relationships. The archetypes that are associated with this orientation are as follows:
Lover, Jester, Citizen (or Everyman).

4. Freedom Orientation: The Freedom orientation places an emphasis on the liberation from both physical and psychological constraints. The archetypes associated with this orientation include:
Innocent, Sage, Explorer.

Are you ready to find out more about Jungian archetypes and identify your specific one?


This assessment has no questions.
All you have to do is read carefully the 12 short descriptions associated with each archetype and choose the one you feel is most in line with your way of being.
Click on SHOW NEW DESCRIPTIONS to be presented with a different selection of statements.

Click on the profile that best describes you
If you identify yourself in two or more descriptions, read the corresponding profiles and find the best fitting one

I am the one who rises to challenges, facing fears and adversities head-on to protect and inspire others

I transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, using knowledge and intuition to create change and manifest dreams

I challenge the status quo, breaking rules and conventions to bring about freedom and innovation

I nurture and support those around me, offering compassion and selflessness to ensure their well-being

I take charge with authority and responsibility, creating order and stability while guiding others toward a common goal

I express my imagination through various forms of art, bringing new ideas to life and inspiring others with my creativity

I seek deep connections and intimacy, valuing relationships and experiences that evoke passion and joy

I bring humor and playfulness into life, reminding others not to take things too seriously while fostering joy through laughter

I relate to the everyday person, valuing authenticity and belonging while striving for connection within my community

I embrace simplicity and optimism, believing in the goodness of people while seeking safety and happiness in life

I pursue wisdom through knowledge and experience, sharing insights that guide others on their journeys toward understanding

I venture into the unknown with curiosity, seeking new experiences that broaden my horizons and deepen my understanding of the world


Pick the description that fits you best
If you fit into two or more descriptions, read the corresponding profiles and choose the one that best suits you

You embody courage and determination, facing challenges head-on to achieve a noble goal and inspire others through your bravery

You have the power to turn situations around with your knowledge and insight. You know how to use your skills to make things happen and turn your visions into reality

You have the courage to challenge traditional approaches and pursue freedom and authenticity. Your actions inspire others to break free from societal constraints

You are a caring and compassionate person, dedicated to supporting others and providing comfort, often placing their needs above your own

You have a natural talent for leadership. You strive for order and stability while guiding others towards a clear vision of what’s best for the community

You are a creative soul, driven by a deep desire to express your imagination and originality through art or innovation. You are passionate about making the world a more beautiful and interesting place

You are a passionate, connected soul who deeply values relationships. You seek intimacy and harmony in both romantic and platonic bonds

You have a gift for making those around you smile. You use humor to keep things light and to remind us all to enjoy life to the fullest

You represent the common person in the best way. You value belongingness and authenticity, and you work hard to connect with others in everyday life

You are always full of optimism and purity. You believe in the goodness of people and approach life with a childlike wonder

You are on a journey to find wisdom and understanding. You value knowledge above all else and use your experience to guide others with thoughtful insights

Your insatiable curiosity about the world is motivated by a desire for adventure and the pursuit of new experiences that expand your knowledge and horizons



Choose the portrait that best describes you
If you identify yourself in two or more descriptions, read the corresponding profiles and find the best fitting one

I am prepared to confront the challenges that lie ahead, leveraging my courage as a strategic asset to safeguard those who lack the capacity to defend themselves

I am able to take ordinary situations and transform them into extraordinary outcomes. I do this by harnessing hidden potential and creating new possibilities

I challenge the prevailing norms and incite transformative change through a tenacious commitment to self-reliance and autonomy

I provide care and support to those in need, offering my assistance to help heal emotional and physical wounds

I provide leadership that is both authoritative and visionary, guiding others towards order and prosperity by employing strength and wisdom

I bring ideas to fruition by transforming chaos into beauty, expressing the full potential of my imagination

I’m a passionate person, and I believe in building connections and celebrating intimacy and devotion in every relationship that enriches my life

I try to infuse joy and laughter in my interactions, using humor to shed light on truths while gently encouraging others to find a balance in their approach to life’s challenges

I stand among my peers, grounded in humility and authenticity as we navigate life’s challenges together

My perspective is shaped by a belief in humanity’s inherent goodness, despite the imperfections that exist

I am dedicated to acquiring knowledge and understanding, and I leverage my experience-based insights to provide guidance to those seeking direction

I embrace the challenge of the unknown, fueled by a curiosity about the possibilities it offers and a thirst for new discovery



Which depiction best describes you?
If you fit into two or more descriptions, read the corresponding profiles and choose the one that best suits you

You are the very definition of courage, facing challenges head-on with unwavering determination. Your journey is marked by trials that test your strength and resolve, inspiring others to rise against adversity

You have the potential to influence reality through insight and creativity. With a comprehensive grasp of the underlying forces, you integrate magic into everyday life, transforming dreams into tangible outcomes

Your actions challenge prevailing norms and are driven by a profound aspiration for autonomy and authenticity. You serve as a catalyst for transformation, dismantling barriers and challenging established practices, thereby encouraging others to embrace their authentic selves

You have a natural tendency to care deeply about others, demonstrating a high level of emotional intelligence in your ability to nurture and support those around you. You find fulfillment in selflessness, offering support and love to heal wounds and foster growth in others

You project an aura of authority and responsibility, providing guidance to others with a balance of firmness and fairness. Your vision shapes communities as you strive for order and stability, ensuring that everyone thrives under your leadership

Your creative abilities are limitless; you transform challenges into solutions. With each creative act, you express your innermost thoughts and feelings, inspiring others to view the world from a different perspective

You approach life with enthusiasm and a keen ability to form connections. You value relationships and seek to build intimacy and harmony with those around you. You celebrate love in all its forms

You have a positive outlook and a sense of humor, which you use to encourage others to maintain a healthy perspective on life. Your ability to bring a playful spirit to challenging situations has a positive impact on those around you

You represent the heart and soul of humanity—relatable and down to earth. You seek to belong within your community while also valuing authenticity in your interactions with others, fostering unity through shared experiences

Your optimism is a beacon of light in the midst of life’s complexities. You approach the world with a sense of wonder and hope, believing in the inherent goodness of people while inspiring others to appreciate the beauty in simplicity

You are on a quest for truth and wisdom. With a passion for learning that never wanes, you gently guide others on their journeys through the insights gained from your own experience, suggesting paths toward greater understanding

Your appetite for adventure motivates you to pursue new opportunities. You value discovery, both within yourself and in the external environment, viewing uncertainty as a catalyst for growth and transformation


Cardinal Orientation: EGO

The Hero archetype represents the individual who embarks on a journey, faces challenges, and ultimately seeks to prove their worth through courageous acts. This archetype is often characterized by traits such as bravery, determination, and resilience. The Hero’s journey typically involves overcoming obstacles, which can be both external (such as adversaries or societal constraints) and internal (such as fears or doubts).

Strong Points
Courage: Heroes are often willing to confront danger or adversity head-on.
Inspiration: They serve as role models for others, motivating them to pursue their own goals.
Growth: Through their trials, Heroes often experience significant personal development.

Weak Points
Hubris: A Hero may become overconfident, leading to reckless decisions.
Isolation: Their quest can lead to feelings of loneliness or alienation from others who do not understand their journey.
Sacrifice: The Hero may sacrifice personal relationships or well-being in pursuit of their goals.

hero-magician archetypes


Cardinal Orientation: EGO

The Magician archetype embodies transformation and the ability to harness knowledge and power for change. This archetype is associated with creativity, intuition, and insight. The Magician often serves as a guide or mentor, using their wisdom to help others navigate complex situations.

Strong Points
Innovation: Magicians are adept at thinking outside the box and finding unique solutions to problems.
Adaptability: They can adjust their strategies based on changing circumstances.
Visionary Thinking: Magicians possess the ability to see potential where others may not.

Weak Points
Manipulation: There is a risk of using knowledge for selfish purposes or deceiving others.
Overthinking: Their tendency to analyze can lead to paralysis by analysis, preventing action.
Detachment: Magicians may become so focused on ideas that they neglect emotional connections with others.

magician-hero archetypes


Cardinal Orientation: EGO

The Rebel archetype challenges the status quo and fights against oppression or conformity. This archetype is characterized by traits such as independence, defiance, and a strong sense of justice. Rebels often seek freedom from societal norms and advocate for change.

Strong Points
Courageousness: Rebels are willing to stand up against authority figures and societal expectations.
Authenticity: They value personal truth over societal approval, encouraging others to do the same.
Innovative Change Agents: Rebels can inspire movements that lead to significant social change.

Weak Points
Destructiveness: Their defiance can sometimes lead to chaos or harm rather than constructive change.
Alienation: Rebels may struggle with relationships due to their nonconformity and radical views.
Impulsiveness: Their desire for immediate change can result in rash decisions without considering long-term consequences.

rebel-citizen archetypes


Cardinal Orientation: ORDER

The Caregiver archetype embodies compassion, nurturing, and selflessness. This archetype is characterized by a strong desire to help others and provide support. Caregivers are often seen as empathetic individuals who prioritize the needs of others above their own.

Strong Points
Empathy: Caregivers have an innate ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
Supportive Nature: They create safe environments where individuals feel valued and cared for.
Resilience in Adversity: Caregivers often find strength in helping others through difficult times.

Weak Points
Self-Neglect: Caregivers may overlook their own needs while focusing on those they care for.
Burnout Risk: Continuous giving without adequate self-care can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion.
Overprotection: Their desire to protect loved ones can stifle independence or growth in those they care for.

caregiver-ruler-lover archetypes


Cardinal Orientation: ORDER

The Ruler archetype represents authority, control, and leadership. This archetype is characterized by a desire for order and structure within society. Psychologically, the Ruler seeks to create an environment where people feel secure and guided. They are often seen as responsible figures who strive for stability.

Strong Points
Decisiveness: Rulers are typically confident decision-makers who can take charge in challenging situations.
Visionary Leadership: They possess the ability to envision long-term goals and inspire others towards achieving them.
Responsibility: Rulers often have a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards their followers or community.

Weak Points
Authoritarian Tendencies: The need for control can lead to authoritarianism or rigidity in thinking.
Fear of Chaos: A strong aversion to disorder may cause anxiety or stress when faced with unpredictability.
Isolation: Their authoritative position can create distance from others, leading to feelings of loneliness.

ruler-caregiver-lover archetypes


Cardinal Orientation: ORDER

The Creator archetype symbolizes innovation, imagination, and artistic expression. This archetype thrives on originality and the desire to bring new ideas into existence. Psychologically, Creators are driven by an inner vision that compels them to manifest their thoughts into tangible forms—be it art, literature, technology, or other mediums.

Strong Points
Imagination: Creators possess rich imaginations that allow them to envision possibilities beyond current realities.
Problem-Solving Skills: Their innovative thinking enables them to approach problems from unique angles.
Passion for Expression: They are often deeply passionate about their work and seek authenticity in their creations.

Weak Points
Perfectionism: Creators may struggle with perfectionism, leading to dissatisfaction with their work or procrastination.
Emotional Turmoil: The intense emotions tied to creative processes can lead to mood swings or existential crises.
Difficulty with Structure: A lack of organizational skills may hinder their ability to bring projects to completion.

creator-innocent-sage archetypes


Cardinal Orientation: SOCIAL

The Lover archetype embodies passion, connection, and intimacy. This archetype values relationships and emotional experiences above all else. Psychologically, Lovers seek deep connections with others and often prioritize love over material concerns. They thrive on beauty—whether in relationships or the world around them.

Strong Points
Empathy: Lovers are highly empathetic individuals who understand the emotions of others deeply.
Passionate Engagement: They engage passionately in relationships and pursuits that resonate with their values.
Appreciation for Beauty: Lovers have an innate appreciation for beauty in all forms—artistic expression, nature, human connection.

Weak Points
Dependency Issues: Their strong desire for connection may lead them toward dependency on others for emotional fulfillment.
Overwhelmed by Emotions: Intense emotions can sometimes overwhelm Lovers, making it difficult for them to maintain balance in life.
Fear of Rejection: A deep fear of rejection may inhibit their willingness to open up fully in relationships.

lover-caregiver-ruler archetypes


Cardinal Orientation: SOCIAL

The Jester archetype embodies playfulness, humor, and the ability to see the lighter side of life. This character often serves as a source of entertainment and joy, using wit and cleverness to navigate complex situations. Psychologically, the Jester can be seen as a coping mechanism for dealing with life’s challenges; by introducing humor into serious contexts, they help others relieve stress and gain perspective.

Strong Points
Adaptability: The Jester is highly adaptable and can thrive in various social situations. Their humor allows them to connect with diverse groups of people.
Perspective: They possess a unique ability to view situations from multiple angles, which can lead to innovative solutions.
Stress Relief: By lightening the mood, they can alleviate tension in difficult circumstances.

Weak Points
Avoidance: The Jester may use humor as a defense mechanism to avoid confronting deeper issues or emotions.
Superficiality: Their focus on fun can sometimes lead to a lack of depth in relationships or understanding of serious matters.
Misunderstanding: Others may misinterpret their humor as insensitivity or frivolity, leading to conflicts.

jester-rebel-citizen archetypes


Cardinal Orientation: SOCIAL

The Citizen archetype, often referred to as the Everyman, embodies the qualities of relatability and authenticity. This archetype represents the ordinary person who seeks connection and belonging within a community. Psychologically, the Everyman is characterized by a desire for acceptance and a fear of being excluded or marginalized.

Strong Points
Relatability: The Everyman is approachable and easy to connect with, making them effective in social situations.
Empathy: They often possess a strong sense of empathy, allowing them to understand and share the feelings of others.
Community-Oriented: The Everyman values relationships and community, fostering collaboration and support among peers.

Weak Points
Lack of Ambition: The Everyman may struggle with ambition or drive, leading to complacency in personal growth.
Fear of Judgment: Their desire for acceptance can lead to conformity, suppressing individuality and authentic expression.
Conflict Avoidance: In an effort to maintain harmony, they may avoid necessary confrontations or difficult conversations.

jester-rebel-citizen archetypes


Cardinal Orientation: FREEDOM

The Innocent archetype represents purity, optimism, and a sense of wonder about the world. This character is often seen as naive but possesses an inherent goodness that inspires hope in others. Psychologically, the Innocent seeks safety and happiness while avoiding negativity or complexity.

Strong Points
Optimism: The Innocent maintains a positive outlook on life, which can be contagious and uplifting for those around them.
Trusting Nature: Their inherent trust in others fosters strong bonds and encourages openness in relationships.
Simplicity: The Innocent appreciates simplicity in life, which can lead to contentment and peace.

Weak Points
Naivety: Their trusting nature can make them vulnerable to deception or exploitation by less scrupulous individuals.
Avoidance of Reality: The Innocent may struggle with facing harsh truths or complexities in life, leading to unrealistic expectations.
Dependency on Others: They might rely heavily on others for guidance or validation due to their lack of assertiveness.

innocent-creator-sage archetypes


Cardinal Orientation: FREEDOM

The Sage archetype embodies wisdom, knowledge, and insight gained through experience. This character serves as a mentor or guide who seeks truth and understanding in both themselves and the world around them. Psychologically, Sages are reflective thinkers who value learning and intellectual growth.

Strong Points
Wisdom: Sages possess deep insights that can provide clarity and guidance to others facing challenges.
Analytical Skills: They have strong analytical abilities that enable them to assess situations critically.
Mentorship: Sages often take on roles as mentors or advisors, helping others navigate their paths effectively.

Weak Points
Overthinking: Their tendency toward analysis can lead to paralysis by analysis where they struggle to make decisions.
Detachment: Sages may become emotionally detached due to their focus on logic over feelings, potentially alienating others.
Arrogance in Knowledge: There is a risk that they may come across as condescending if they fail to communicate their insights with humility.

sage-creator-innocent archetypes


Cardinal Orientation: FREEDOM

The Explorer archetype represents adventure, discovery, and the pursuit of new experiences beyond conventional boundaries. This character thrives on curiosity and seeks out new horizons both physically and intellectually. Psychologically, Explorers are driven by a need for freedom and self-discovery.

Strong Points
Curiosity: Explorers have an insatiable thirst for knowledge that drives innovation and creativity.
Adaptability: They are highly adaptable individuals who thrive in changing environments or circumstances.
Independence: Explorers value autonomy which allows them to forge their own paths without being constrained by societal norms.

Weak Points
Restlessness: Their constant search for new experiences can lead to dissatisfaction with stability or routine.
Commitment Issues: Explorers may struggle with commitment due to their desire for freedom which can affect personal relationships negatively.
Impulsivity: Their adventurous spirit might lead them into risky situations without adequate consideration of consequences.

explorer-hero-magician archetypes