Mini Test: What is Your True Zodiac Sign?

find out your true zodiac sign


The Colorful World of Astrology

If you are an astrology enthusiast, or just a curious person, you may have come across the psychological description of your zodiac archetype. Do you actually find that the personality profile of your sign matches your way of being? If you have the impression that it does not, you should try our test! In astrology, there are many variables that can influence a person’s disposition besides the date of birth, so it is not surprising if someone does not fully identify with their sign.

This short assessment consists of just two questions, which have been calibrated to define as accurately as possible the matches between your character inclinations and the 12 zodiac signs.


Read the questions and each individual answer carefully. Do not act impulsively. If the proposed question sounds unclear or unsuitable, click on “Ask me a different question“. You can repeat the quiz as many times as you wish until the result meets your expectations. Good luck!

First step: let’s find out your element

1. A friend is feeling down and needs support. You:
Offer them a listening ear and emotional comfort
Suggest they try something new or go out for an adventure
Help them analyze their feelings logically and find solutions
Provide practical help or advice to improve their situation

Ask me a different question

First step: let’s find out your element

1.2 When faced with a challenge, you tend to:
Trust your intuition and go with your gut feeling
Take bold risks and act decisively
Think things through thoroughly before making a move
Plan carefully and stick to what you know works

Ask me a different question


First step: let’s find out your element

1.3 In your free time, you prefer activities that are:
Creative and expressive, such as painting or writing poetry
Thrilling and energetic, like sports or dancing
Intellectual challenges like puzzles or reading
Grounded in nature such as gardening or hiking


Your element is WATER
Now let’s see your sign between
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

2. In your friendships or romantic relationships, what role do you usually take?
The caretaker who nurtures and supports others emotionally
The passionate partner who seeks deep connections and intensity
The empathetic listener who understands others’ feelings deeply

Ask me a different question

Your element is WATER
Now let’s see your sign between
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

2.2 How do you handle conflicts with friends or loved ones?
I prefer to avoid confrontation and find a peaceful resolution quietly
I am direct about my feelings and expect honesty in return
I try to understand the other person’s perspective before responding


Your element is FIRE
Now let’s see your sign between
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

2. What role do you prefer in group settings?
The leader who takes charge and motivates others
The supportive friend who encourages collaboration
The innovator who brings new ideas to the table

Ask me a different question

Your element is FIRE
Now let’s see your sign between
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

2.2 What motivates you most in life?
Achieving personal goals and recognition for my efforts
Building strong relationships and being admired by others
Exploring new horizons and gaining knowledge about the world


Your element is AIR
Now let’s see your sign between
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

2. How do you feel in large social gatherings?
I thrive on the energy of others and love engaging in conversations with many people
I enjoy connecting with a few close friends but can feel overwhelmed by too many interactions
I prefer observing rather than participating; I find social dynamics fascinating but often choose solitude

Ask me a different question

Your element is AIR
Now let’s see your sign between
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

2.2 How would you describe your communication style?
I’m expressive and love sharing ideas; I often think out loud
I’m diplomatic and strive for harmony in conversations; I consider others’ feelings carefully
I’m straightforward and value honesty; I prefer clarity over ambiguity in discussions


Your element is EARTH
Now let’s see your sign between
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

2. When it comes to work or projects, what is your style?
I am methodical and prefer a structured approach with clear deadlines
I thrive in dynamic environments where quick decisions are necessary
I enjoy researching thoroughly before starting any project, ensuring all details are covered

Ask me a different question

Your element is EARTH
Now let’s see your sign between
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

2.2 How do you feel about change?
Change can be unsettling for me; I prefer stability and predictability
Change excites me; it brings new opportunities for growth
While change can be challenging, I adapt by planning ahead



Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, whose symbol goes back to the golden fleece ram of Greek mythology. It is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and aggression. Individuals born under this sign are often characterized by their energetic and pioneering spirit.

Strong Points
Leadership: Aries individuals are natural leaders who thrive in positions of authority. They are assertive and confident, often taking charge in group settings.
Courage: They possess a strong sense of bravery, which allows them to face challenges head-on without fear.
Enthusiasm: Their enthusiasm is contagious; they inspire others with their passion for life and willingness to take risks.

Weak Points
Impulsiveness: Aries can be impulsive, making decisions quickly without fully considering the consequences.
Aggressiveness: Their assertiveness can sometimes come off as aggression, leading to conflicts with others.
Self-centeredness: They may focus too much on their own needs and desires, potentially neglecting the feelings of those around them.

From a psychological standpoint, Aries individuals often exhibit traits associated with high levels of extraversion. Their need for stimulation drives them to seek out new experiences. However, this can also lead to difficulties in maintaining long-term relationships due to their tendency to prioritize personal goals over collective ones.

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signs of the zodiac spiritual meaning

Read more about zodiac signs and personality
The Universe Within Ourselves: The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Personalities


Leo, the king of the savannah who in myth was defeated by Heracles, is ruled by the Sun and is known for its vibrant personality and charisma. Leos are often seen as the life of the party and have a flair for drama.

Strong Points
Charisma: Leos naturally attract attention due to their magnetic personalities. They are often seen as warm-hearted and generous.
Creativity: They possess a strong creative streak, excelling in artistic endeavors or any field that allows self-expression.
Loyalty: Once committed, Leos are fiercely loyal friends or partners who will stand by loved ones through thick and thin.

Weak Points
Egoism: Their strong sense of self-worth can sometimes manifest as arrogance or an inflated ego.
Stubbornness: Leos may struggle with flexibility; they prefer things done their way and can resist change.
Dramatic tendencies: Their love for drama can lead to unnecessary conflicts or emotional upheaval.

Psychologically, Leos tend to have high self-esteem but may grapple with underlying insecurities that drive their need for validation from others. This duality can create tension between their public persona and private self-image.

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signs of the zodiac spiritual meaning

Read more about zodiac signs and personality
The Universe Within Ourselves: The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Personalities


Sagittarius, or the centaur archer, is guided by the planet Jupiter, symbolizing growth, expansion, and exploration. Sagittarians are known for their adventurous spirit and philosophical outlook on life.

Strong Points
Optimism: Sagittarians generally maintain a positive outlook on life, believing in possibilities rather than limitations.
Open-mindedness: They are curious individuals who embrace new ideas and cultures with enthusiasm.
Independence: Freedom is crucial for Sagittarians; they value autonomy in both personal relationships and professional pursuits.

Weak Points
Restlessness: Their desire for constant change can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction if they feel confined or restricted.
Tactlessness: Sagittarians may speak their minds without considering how it affects others’ feelings, leading to unintentional hurt.
Commitment issues: Their love for freedom can make it challenging for them to commit fully in relationships.

From a psychological perspective, Sagittarians often embody traits associated with high openness to experience. This trait fosters creativity but can also result in difficulty settling down or adhering to routine responsibilities.

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signs of the zodiac spiritual meaning

Read more about zodiac signs and personality
The Universe Within Ourselves: The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Personalities


Taurus, whose bull symbol reminds us of the resemblance Zeus assumed to woo Europa, is a sign led by the planet Venus and known for its steadfastness and determination. Individuals born under this sign are often characterized by their practicality, reliability, and a strong appreciation for the finer things in life.

Strong Points
Stability: Taureans are known for their grounded nature. They provide a sense of security to those around them.
Loyalty: Once committed, they are incredibly loyal friends and partners.
Sensuality: They have a deep appreciation for beauty and comfort, often enjoying art, music, and good food.

Weak Points
Stubbornness: Their fixed nature can lead to inflexibility in thoughts and actions.
Possessiveness: They may struggle with jealousy or possessiveness in relationships.
Resistance to Change: Taureans can be resistant to new ideas or changes in their environment.

From a psychological standpoint, Taurus individuals often exhibit traits associated with the Earth element—practicality and materialism. Their need for stability can stem from an underlying fear of insecurity or chaos. This desire for comfort can lead them to seek out tangible rewards in life, which may manifest as a strong work ethic but also as materialism.

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signs of the zodiac spiritual meaning

Read more about zodiac signs and personality
The Universe Within Ourselves: The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Personalities


Virgo, whose symbol would represent Dike or Astraea, virgins who embody justice, is a sign ruled by Mercury. Virgo individuals are known for their analytical minds and attention to detail. Virgos are often seen as meticulous planners who strive for perfection in all aspects of their lives.

Strong Points
Analytical Skills: Virgos excel at problem-solving due to their keen observational skills.
Dependability: They are reliable individuals who take their responsibilities seriously.
Attention to Detail: Their meticulous nature allows them to notice things that others might overlook.

Weak Points
Overcritical Nature: Virgos can be overly critical of themselves and others, leading to stress or conflict.
Perfectionism: Their desire for perfection can hinder progress or create anxiety when things don’t go as planned.
Reserved Emotions: They may struggle with expressing emotions openly, leading to misunderstandings in relationships.

Psychologically, Virgos tend to exhibit traits linked with conscientiousness—a key personality trait associated with being organized and responsible. Their critical nature may arise from an internalized standard of perfection that they feel compelled to meet. This drive can lead them toward success but also contribute to feelings of inadequacy when they perceive themselves as falling short.

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signs of the zodiac spiritual meaning

Read more about zodiac signs and personality
The Universe Within Ourselves: The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Personalities


Capricorn is a sign ruled by Saturn, represented by a creature with the head and front legs of a goat and the tail of a fish. It is known for its ambition and discipline. Capricorns are often seen as hardworking individuals who value tradition and structure.

Strong Points
Ambition: Capricorns have a strong drive to achieve their goals, often setting high standards for themselves.
Discipline: They possess remarkable self-control which helps them stay focused on long-term objectives.
Pragmatism: Capricorns approach problems logically and realistically, making them effective decision-makers.

Weak Points
Pessimism: Their realistic outlook can sometimes veer into negativity or cynicism about life’s possibilities.
Workaholism: Capricorns may prioritize work over personal relationships or self-care.
Emotional Reserve: Like Virgos, they may find it challenging to express emotions openly.

From a psychological perspective, Capricorns often display traits associated with achievement motivation—the desire to accomplish goals through hard work. Their disciplined approach stems from an intrinsic belief that success requires effort; however, this mindset can lead them to neglect emotional well-being in favor of professional advancement.

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signs of the zodiac spiritual meaning

Read more about zodiac signs and personality
The Universe Within Ourselves: The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Personalities


Gemini is represented by the mythological twins Castor and Pollux, symbolizing duality and versatility. This sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, which profoundly influences their personality traits.

Strong Points
Adaptability: Geminis are known for their ability to adjust to new situations quickly. They thrive in dynamic environments and can easily switch between tasks.
Communication Skills: With a natural flair for conversation, they excel in expressing ideas and connecting with others. Their curiosity drives them to seek knowledge and share it effectively.
Intellectual Curiosity: Geminis have a strong desire to learn about various subjects, making them well-informed individuals who enjoy engaging in discussions.

Weak Points
Indecisiveness: The dual nature of Gemini can lead to difficulty in making decisions. They may struggle to commit due to their tendency to see multiple perspectives.
Superficiality: While they are great conversationalists, they may sometimes skim the surface of topics without delving deeper into emotional or complex issues.
Restlessness: Their need for constant stimulation can make them prone to boredom, leading them to jump from one interest to another without fully exploring any.

From a psychological standpoint, Geminis often exhibit traits associated with high openness and extraversion. Their adaptability can be linked to cognitive flexibility, allowing them to entertain multiple viewpoints simultaneously. However, this same trait may contribute to anxiety when faced with choices or commitments.

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signs of the zodiac spiritual meaning

Read more about zodiac signs and personality
The Universe Within Ourselves: The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Personalities


Libra is symbolized by the Scales, representing balance and harmony. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libras are deeply concerned with relationships and aesthetics.

Strong Points
Diplomatic Nature: Libras excel in mediation and conflict resolution due to their ability to see all sides of an argument. They strive for fairness and equality in their interactions.
Social Charm: Their innate charm makes them likable individuals who attract friends easily. They often create harmonious social environments.
Appreciation for Beauty: Libras have a keen eye for aesthetics and often pursue artistic endeavors or careers that allow them to express this appreciation.

Weak Points
Avoidance of Conflict: In their quest for harmony, Libras may avoid necessary confrontations or suppress their own needs, leading to unresolved issues.
Dependency on Others: Their focus on relationships can sometimes result in codependency or difficulty in making decisions independently.
Indecisiveness: Similar to Geminis, Libras can struggle with decision-making due to their desire for balance and fear of upsetting others.

Psychologically, Libras often display traits associated with high agreeableness but may also experience anxiety related to interpersonal dynamics. Their strong desire for approval can lead them into patterns of people-pleasing behavior that undermine their own needs.

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signs of the zodiac spiritual meaning

Read more about zodiac signs and personality
The Universe Within Ourselves: The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Personalities


Aquarius is represented by the Water Bearer but is classified as an Air sign due to its intellectual nature. Ruled by Uranus, the planet of innovation and rebellion, Aquarians are known for their forward-thinking mindset.

Strong Points
Innovative Thinking: Aquarians are visionaries who embrace new ideas and challenge conventional norms. They often think outside the box and inspire others with their creativity.
Humanitarian Spirit: Many Aquarians possess a strong sense of social justice and are driven by causes that promote equality and progress.
Independence: They value personal freedom highly and tend not to conform easily; this independence fosters originality in thought and action.

Weak Points
Aloofness: Aquarians may come across as detached or emotionally distant due to their focus on intellect over feelings. This can hinder deep emotional connections.
Rebelliousness: Their nonconformist attitude might lead them into conflicts with authority figures or traditional structures.
Inconsistency: While they are innovative thinkers, Aquarians may struggle with follow-through on projects or commitments due to shifting interests.

From a psychological perspective, Aquarians typically exhibit traits associated with high openness but may also show signs of neuroticism if they feel constrained by societal norms. Their independent nature allows for unique problem-solving abilities but can also lead them into isolation if not balanced with social interaction.

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signs of the zodiac spiritual meaning

Read more about zodiac signs and personality
The Universe Within Ourselves: The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Personalities


Cancer, whose symbol recalls the crab that pinched Heracles during one of his labors, is a sign ruled by the Moon and known for its emotional depth and sensitivity. Individuals born under this sign are often nurturing, empathetic, and intuitive. They have a strong connection to their family and home life, often prioritizing these aspects above all else.

Strong Points
Empathy: Cancers are highly attuned to the emotions of others, making them excellent friends and caregivers.
Intuition: Their ability to sense underlying feelings allows them to navigate complex social situations effectively.
Loyalty: Once they form bonds, Cancers are incredibly loyal and protective of their loved ones.

Weak Points
Moodiness: Their emotional nature can lead to fluctuations in mood, making them seem unpredictable at times.
Over-sensitivity: Cancers may take things too personally, leading to feelings of hurt or resentment.
Clinginess: Their need for security can sometimes manifest as possessiveness or dependency on others.

From a psychological standpoint, Cancers often exhibit traits associated with attachment theory. They may have a strong need for secure attachments due to their deep-seated fears of abandonment. This can lead them to be nurturing but also overly dependent on relationships for emotional validation.

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signs of the zodiac spiritual meaning

Read more about zodiac signs and personality
The Universe Within Ourselves: The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Personalities


Scorpio, whose symbol echoes the scorpion that stung the giant Orion to death, is ruled by Pluto and is often associated with intensity and transformation. Scorpios are known for their passion, determination, and resourcefulness. They tend to be mysterious individuals who keep their true feelings hidden beneath the surface.

Strong Points
Passion: Scorpios approach life with intensity and enthusiasm, which can inspire those around them.
Resourcefulness: They are adept at finding solutions in challenging situations due to their analytical minds.
Loyalty: Like Cancers, Scorpios value loyalty highly and will fiercely protect those they care about.

Weak Points
Jealousy: Their passionate nature can lead to possessiveness or jealousy in relationships.
Manipulativeness: Scorpios may use their understanding of human psychology to manipulate situations or people.
Resentment: They can hold grudges for a long time if they feel wronged.

Psychologically, Scorpios often exhibit traits related to control and power dynamics in relationships. Their intense emotions may stem from a fear of vulnerability; thus, they may create barriers that prevent others from getting too close. This behavior can lead to an internal conflict between their desire for intimacy and fear of being hurt.

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signs of the zodiac spiritual meaning

Read more about zodiac signs and personality
The Universe Within Ourselves: The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Personalities


Pisces, represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, is a sign ruled by Neptune and is characterized by a dreamy nature and artistic inclinations. Pisceans are often seen as compassionate individuals who possess a rich imagination.

Strong Points
Creativity: Pisces individuals tend to be highly creative thinkers who excel in artistic endeavors.
Compassionate Nature: They have an innate ability to empathize with others’ suffering, making them great listeners.
Adaptability: Pisceans are flexible in their thinking and can easily adjust to new circumstances or ideas.

Weak Points
Escapism: Their tendency towards daydreaming can sometimes lead them away from reality or responsibilities.
Overly Idealistic: Pisceans may set unrealistic expectations for themselves or others due to their idealistic views.
Indecisiveness: Their empathetic nature can make it difficult for them to make firm decisions without considering everyone’s feelings.

From a psychological perspective, Pisceans often embody characteristics associated with high emotional intelligence but may struggle with boundaries due to their empathetic tendencies. This lack of boundaries can lead them into codependent relationships where they prioritize others’ needs over their own well-being.

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signs of the zodiac spiritual meaning

Read more about zodiac signs and personality
The Universe Within Ourselves: The 12 Zodiac Signs and Their Personalities