The Enneagram Personality Mini-Test

enneagram personality mini test


An Ancient Personality Model

The Enneagram is a model of human personality that consists of nine interconnected personality types. It serves as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth by helping us understand our core motivations and how they influence our actions. Each type reveals unique personality traits, fears, and behaviors that shape how we interact with ourselves and others. The origins of the Enneagram are ancient enough to be partially shrouded in mystery.

This short assessment features two questions, the first of which is aimed at determining your Center of Intelligence (or Triad), while the second is focused on identifying your specific character Type among the nine offered by the Enneagram.


Read the questions and the answers carefully. Do not act on impulse. If the default question appears to be unclear or inappropriate, click on “Ask me a different question“. You can take the quiz as many times as you like until you get the result you desire. Have fun and good luck!

First, we need to identify your Center of Intelligence

1. How do you typically respond when you feel angry?
I confront the situation directly and express my feelings
I try to avoid conflict and keep my feelings to myself
I analyze the situation and think about why I’m feeling this way

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First, we need to identify your Center of Intelligence

1.2 How do you usually handle feelings of shame or inadequacy?
I strive to improve myself and adhere to high standards
I seek validation from others to feel better about myself
I distract myself by focusing on new ideas or experiences

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First, we need to identify your Center of Intelligence

1.3 When you encounter fear, what is your usual reaction?
I confront it head-on, often taking risks to overcome it
I seek reassurance from friends or loved ones
I retreat into my thoughts, trying to rationalize my fears

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First, we need to identify your Center of Intelligence

1.4 How do you react when someone criticizes you?
I defend myself fiercely against the criticism
I feel hurt but may try to understand their perspective
I analyze their feedback critically, considering its validity


You belong to THE GUT TRIAD (Instinctive Center)
Now let’s find out your Personality Type between
Perfectionist, Challenger, Mediator

2. How do you handle rules or authority?
I challenge rules that seem unfair or restrictive
I follow rules but may question their necessity
I adhere to rules strictly as they provide structure

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You belong to THE GUT TRIAD (Instinctive Center)
Now let’s find out your Personality Type between
Perfectionist, Challenger, Mediator

2.2 How do you perceive your own emotions?
I often feel intense emotions that drive my actions
I tend to suppress my emotions to avoid conflict
I am aware of my emotions but prefer not to express them openly

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You belong to THE GUT TRIAD (Instinctive Center)
Now let’s find out your Personality Type between
Perfectionist, Challenger, Mediator

2.3 In stressful situations, how do you cope?
By taking decisive action to regain control
By seeking support from others or trying to diffuse tension
By sticking to routines that provide comfort and stability


You belong to THE HEART TRIAD (Feeling Center)
Now let’s find out your Personality Type between
Helper, Achiever, Individualist

2. What is your primary concern when interacting with others?
Making sure they feel valued and appreciated
Ensuring that I come across as successful or impressive
Expressing my unique feelings and experiences

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You belong to THE HEART TRIAD (Feeling Center)
Now let’s find out your Personality Type between
Helper, Achiever, Individualist

2.2 What drives your motivation in personal relationships?
The desire to nurture and support those I care about
The need for validation and acknowledgment of my effort
The quest for authenticity and emotional depth in connections

Ask me a different question


You belong to THE HEART TRIAD (Feeling Center)
Now let’s find out your Personality Type between
Helper, Achiever, Individualist

2.3 How important is it for you to be seen as special or unique?
It’s nice but not essential; connection matters more
It’s very important; I want to stand out from the crowd
It’s crucial; my identity is tied to my individuality


You belong to THE HEAD TRIAD (Thinking Center)
Now let’s find out your Personality Type between
Investigator, Loyalist, Enthusiast

2. In social situations, how do you typically engage with others?
I prefer deep conversations about ideas and concepts
I enjoy discussing shared concerns or common interests
I like to keep things light-hearted and entertaining

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You belong to THE HEAD TRIAD (Thinking Center)
Now let’s find out your Personality Type between
Investigator, Loyalist, Enthusiast

2.2 How do you perceive risks in your daily life?
I assess risks carefully before proceeding with caution
I often worry about potential dangers and prepare for them
I embrace risks as opportunities for growth and excitement

Ask me a different question


You belong to THE HEAD TRIAD (Thinking Center)
Now let’s find out your Personality Type between
Investigator, Loyalist, Enthusiast

2.3 What role does planning play in your life?
I meticulously plan everything to avoid surprises
I have a general idea but often adjust based on circumstances
I prefer spontaneity and dislike rigid plans


(Type 1)

Instinctive Center (or Gut Triad)
This center’s focus is on the primary gut reactions associated with anger and the innate responses to perceived threats. Those in this center often respond in accordance with their immediate perceptions of safety or danger, demonstrating a pronounced connection to their somatic sensations and instincts.

Profile Description
Core Motivation: To be good and have integrity. Type Ones strive for perfection and are often driven by a strong sense of ethics and responsibility.
Basic Fear: To be bad or corrupt; they fear being morally flawed or making mistakes.
Strengths: Perfectionists are ethical, dedicated, reliable, and conscientious. They have a strong desire to improve themselves and their surroundings, often taking on leadership roles in efforts to promote positive change.
Faults: They can be overly critical of themselves and others, leading to feelings of frustration when things do not meet their high standards. Their black-and-white thinking may cause them to overlook nuances in situations.


enneagram type 1

Learn more about the Enneagram and its personality types
The Enneagram: A Personality Model with Spiritual Connotations

(Type 2)

Feeling Center (or Heart Triad)
This center revolves around the emotions, especially those related to shame and the need for acceptance. People in this group prioritize relationships and emotional connections, often valuing empathy and interpersonal dynamics over purely logical reasoning.

Profile Description
Core Motivation: To be loved and appreciated. Type Twos seek connection with others and derive their self-worth from helping those around them.
Basic Fear: Being unworthy of love; they fear being unwanted or rejected.
Strengths: Caring, interpersonal, warm-hearted, and generous. Helpers excel at building relationships and often go out of their way to support friends and family.
Faults: They may neglect their own needs while focusing excessively on others’ needs. This can lead to feelings of resentment if they feel unappreciated or taken for granted.


enneagram type 2

Learn more about the Enneagram and its personality types
The Enneagram: A Personality Model with Spiritual Connotations

(Type 3)

Feeling Center (or Heart Triad)
This center revolves around the emotions, especially those related to shame and the need for acceptance. People in this group prioritize relationships and emotional connections, often valuing empathy and interpersonal dynamics over purely logical reasoning.

Profile Description
Core Motivation: To be valuable and accepted. Type Threes are highly driven individuals who seek success and recognition in their endeavors.
Basic Fear: To be worthless or insignificant; they fear failing to meet expectations.
Strengths: Adaptable, efficient, goal-oriented, and charismatic. Achievers are skilled at presenting themselves well in social situations and often inspire others with their ambition.
Faults: They may become overly focused on image and external validation, struggling with authenticity as they prioritize achievements over genuine connections.


enneagram type 3

Learn more about the Enneagram and its personality types
The Enneagram: A Personality Model with Spiritual Connotations

(Type 4)

Feeling Center (or Heart Triad)
This center revolves around the emotions, especially those related to shame and the need for acceptance. People in this group prioritize relationships and emotional connections, often valuing empathy and interpersonal dynamics over purely logical reasoning.

Profile Description
Core Motivation: To find meaning based on their inner experience. Type Fours seek depth in life experiences and value emotional authenticity.
Basic Fear: Having no identity or personal significance; they fear being ordinary or unnoticed.
Strengths: Creative, introspective, sensitive, and unique. Individualists have an innate ability to express emotions artistically and connect deeply with the human experience.
Faults: Their longing for uniqueness can lead to feelings of envy towards others who seem more fulfilled or understood. They may also struggle with mood swings due to their intense emotional landscape.


enneagram type 4

Learn more about the Enneagram and its personality types
The Enneagram: A Personality Model with Spiritual Connotations

(Type 5)

Thinking Center (or Head Triad)
This center is concerned with thoughts that are related to fear and the desire for security. Individuals here are prone to analyzing situations thoroughly before taking action; they often seek understanding and security through knowledge and intellectual exploration.

Profile Description
Core Motivation: To be capable and competent. Type Fives seek knowledge as a means of understanding the world around them.
Basic Fear: Being useless or incapable; they fear being overwhelmed by demands from others.
Strengths: Knowledgeable, curious, insightful, analytical thinkers who enjoy exploring complex ideas. Investigators tend to approach problems logically rather than emotionally.
Faults: They can become detached from emotions and social interactions due to their preference for solitude. This detachment may lead them to miss out on meaningful connections with others.


enneagram type 5

Learn more about the Enneagram and its personality types
The Enneagram: A Personality Model with Spiritual Connotations

(Type 6)

Thinking Center (or Head Triad)
This center is concerned with thoughts that are related to fear and the desire for security. Individuals here are prone to analyzing situations thoroughly before taking action; they often seek understanding and security through knowledge and intellectual exploration.

Profile Description
Core Motivation: To have security and support in life’s uncertainties. Type Sixes are committed individuals who value loyalty in relationships.
Basic Fear: Being without security or support; they fear abandonment or betrayal by those close to them.
Strengths: Practicality combined with a sense of humor makes Loyalists excellent team players during crises; they are resourceful problem solvers who prepare for potential challenges ahead.
Faults: Their tendency toward anxiety can lead them into cycles of doubt about themselves or others’ intentions. This hyper-vigilance may result in overthinking scenarios that could cause distress.


enneagram type 6

Learn more about the Enneagram and its personality types
The Enneagram: A Personality Model with Spiritual Connotations

(Type 7)

Thinking Center (or Head Triad)
This center is concerned with thoughts that are related to fear and the desire for security. Individuals here are prone to analyzing situations thoroughly before taking action; they often seek understanding and security through knowledge and intellectual exploration.

Profile Description
Core Motivation: To experience happiness through adventure and variety in life. Type Sevens thrive on new experiences that stimulate joyfulness.
Basic Fear: Being confined or experiencing pain; they fear missing out on opportunities for enjoyment.
Strengths: Adventurous spirits filled with optimism make Enthusiasts fun companions who bring excitement wherever they go; they possess an innate ability to see possibilities where others might see limitations.
Faults: Their desire for constant stimulation can lead them away from commitments or responsibilities as they chase after the next thrill—sometimes resulting in superficial relationships devoid of depth.


enneagram type 7

Learn more about the Enneagram and its personality types
The Enneagram: A Personality Model with Spiritual Connotations

(Type 8)

Instinctive Center (or Gut Triad)
This center’s focus is on the primary gut reactions associated with anger and the innate responses to perceived threats. Those in this center often respond in accordance with their immediate perceptions of safety or danger, demonstrating a pronounced connection to their somatic sensations and instincts.

Profile Description
Core Motivation: To protect themselves by asserting control over their environment while advocating for justice for others as well.
Basic Fear: Being harmed or controlled by others; Type Eights fear vulnerability which could expose weakness within themselves or those close to them.
Strengths: Commanding presence coupled with directness allows Challengers to take charge effectively during challenging situations—they’re natural leaders who inspire confidence among peers through strength-based approaches toward conflict resolution.
Faults: Confrontational tendencies may alienate people around them if not tempered with empathy; Type Eights sometimes struggle to recognize when assertiveness crosses into aggression.


enneagram type 8

Learn more about the Enneagram and its personality types
The Enneagram: A Personality Model with Spiritual Connotations

(Type 9)

Instinctive Center (or Gut Triad)
This center’s focus is on the primary gut reactions associated with anger and the innate responses to perceived threats. Those in this center often respond in accordance with their immediate perceptions of safety or danger, demonstrating a pronounced connection to their somatic sensations and instincts.

Profile Description
Core Motivation: To achieve inner stability (peace of mind) while fostering harmony among people around them.
Basic Fear: Loss and separation; Type Nines dread conflict which could disrupt tranquility within relationships.
Strengths: Laid-back demeanor combined with an accommodating nature makes Mediators excellent mediators capable of bringing diverse perspectives together harmoniously.
Faults: Can suppress anger until it erupts unexpectedly due to lack of communication about personal boundaries; this avoidance leads some Type Nines towards complacency rather than proactive engagement.


enneagram type 9

Learn more about the Enneagram and its personality types
The Enneagram: A Personality Model with Spiritual Connotations